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Introduction to FEA
In Sierra Leone, families on the low end of the economic spectrum generally provide for themselves through some combination of subsistence farming and street selling, often living on the edge of survival. To help these families flourish, the CRC gives parents the opportunity to enroll in a microfinance program to learn small business and money management skills, how to create a budget and save money, and how to do simple banking transactions. Graduates receive a small loan to start or expand a small business. Acquiring these skills can truly help a family break out of the cycle of dysfunction and illiteracy that mires families in extreme poverty.
We have had a Child Sponsorship for many years, and it has successfully provided resources to keep children in school, provide for their medical care, and more recently we began providing a mechanism for their parents to become better equipped to care. What we quickly realized is that the more we focus on that last part, the better chances we give these children to grow into successful adults. You can help a vulnerable family become stable and self-sufficient. You can support their empowerment with your donations. You can become an empowerment advocate. What can empowerment advocates achieve? Immediately, we will change the outlook for the families and children living in extreme poverty who are enrolled in the CRC programs. Over time, our work with other advocates will ensure the end of the Orphan and Family Separation Crisis in Sierra Leone. Our Child Sponsorship program is shifting to partnership to empower families. If you wish to support family empowerment, please join the movement to become an advocate by donating today!
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