Working with buddy, Nurse James, to make fire to boil water to be able to mold thermoplastic splints for a burn patient. But then we’re were able to obtain the correct transformer/ step down to be able to use our skillet graciously donated by Kandy to make the actual golden splints for our precious patient. Well done James. You are a fast learner!!!
-Posted by Karen Roeming
Today we went with the Mercy Hospital team on a Village Outreach to Selenga. We met with the local chiefs to learn about some of the needs of the community, and we toured the village and school. Afterwards, we observed the Mercy Hospital team complete medical examinations and assistance to the residents. We had five stations: 1) Registration, weight, and height measurements; 2) Labs to test for HIV and malaria; 3) Meeting with the Community Health Officer to assess health needs and prescribe medication; 4) Pharmacy to deliver medication; 5) Prenatal screening and prescribe medication for pregnant women. After the Village Outreach, we met with two different non-governmental organizations (NGOs), World Vision and Caritas, to learn what those organizations are doing to serve the Bo community, and how we can partner with them. The pictures below include a baby who was born at Mercy Hospital yesterday, the chiefs and community leaders of Selenga and surrounding villages, Scott and Katie with Sister Augusta- the matron nurse at Mercy Hospital, the mission team at the Village Outreach, and the Selenga Community Center (where we did the Village Outreach). - Katie Lewis, Associate Pastor, First UMC of Colleyville Below: Prosthetists with the prosthetic limbs they recently created for patients at Mercy Hospital. Students at the primary school in Selenga.
Another sunny, hot day in Bo. Katie commented that there has been rain in the forecast every day, and it has yet to rain. This was echoed by the Director of another facility we visited, SOS, who has a number of family homes that leak, but due to global warming she never can predict when it is going to rain.
This was a day the team went off in different directions. Melody went off with our Hospital Administrator to visit Rotifunk Hospital, at the request of Catherine Norman. It was a long brutal bumpy 4 hour drive each way (Google maps claims just over 2 hours—they have not seen the roads). In the morning Katie and Scott visited two UMC schools; Leo worked on some project planning, and Rob went off with Kim and two Mercy staff to meet with the Bo District Medical Officer and his staff to discuss their goals and wishes for Mercy to support health needs in Bo District. Then on to another NGO, CEDA, who also does work in the District villages, to share the scope of our programs. In the afternoon there were visits to two other orphanages, SOS and Jonathan's House, to discuss their progress and issues with transitioning children to their forever families. In between was there were three great meals from Fudia at the MTC, including lunch with the CRC Senior staff, and purchases from the woodcarver Ali of gifts and carvings for the Bo-tique. - Rob Duston, Helping Children Worldwide Board Chair Sunday is Church day in Bo. Our team worshiped at the Leader Memorial United Methodist Church on the same tract of land as the ministries supported by HCW. Leader Church is served by four pastors, all of which took part in the leadership of the service. Recalling the air vent and fan under my pulpit back home, it was inspiring to watch them sing and dance and preach and pray during the 3 hour and 53 minute service wearing their clerical robes in the un-air-conditioned sanctuary. It was a truly inspiring worship experience. We participated in the singing, prayers, Scripture readings, and the eight opportunities we had to give an offering or a donation. One of the donations was given to pay for a new drum set. Our team was asked to help unveil the drums still packaged in their shipping container. By the end of the service the drums were put together and played as we sang the closing hymn – The Battle Hymn of the Republic. Shortly after the service entered the fourth hour, the pastor leading the Communion Liturgy asked for any other pastors in the congregation to come forward to help serve the Bread and Cup. I was humbled to share the honor of participating in serving this Sacrament with our brothers and sisters in Bo. I'm also grateful that Leo Fox (said as one name by Sierra Leonians) was quick with the camera to get some great photos. After lunch, Melody was joined by Katie and Rob on a visit to meet the child her family sponsors. It was a joyous time of celebration as this photo demonstrates. The Child Rescue Center coordinates these sponsorships. As we have learned, there are many children in Bo who are not able to afford to go to school. One sponsorship of only $300 per year through HCW gives a child the opportunity to get an education, receive food and healthcare, and have hope for the future all while experiencing the love of Christ. These children also receive monthly visits by CRC staff to monitor their well-being. Our team is having a great time learning about the work of the ministries supported by HCW, as well as the many other ministries of The United Methodist Church in Bo under the supervision of the visionary man of God, Bishop John K. Yambasu. It has been a joy to see how well the staff and board of HCW works to support the staffs leading the CRC and Mercy Hospital all under the umbrella of the Sierra Leone Annual Conference of The United Methodist Church. Blessings from Bo, Scott Wachter, Senior Pastor, Bethel UMC The team worshiped at Leader UMC in Bo. After lunch, some of the team went on a home visit with JJ, Sponsor A Child Coordinator.
Going on a visit to the home of a Child Rescue Centre student with JJ, Sponsor A Child coordinator. Scenes from around the Bo campus. Worshiping at Leader United Methodist Church on Sunday.
Today was quite a fun-filled day at the Child Rescue Center! Melody and Rob had a morning meeting with Catherine Norman, the UMC Health Care Coordinator for Sierra Leone. Rob, Leo, and Katie assisted with the special interest classes with the children at the CRC. Leo helped children make paper airplanes in Arts and Crafts, Pastor Scott read books with the children in Library, and Pastor Katie played with children riding bikes.
We rested in the afternoon, and then we played volleyball, hot potato, and soccer with the children, which was a blast! The games were filled with laughter, fun, and team-building. We even played a volleyball game with about 8 children and Katie vs. JB, the IT man, and much to our dismay, JB won! Fudia and Rosaline have been cooking delicious meals for us, and we are so grateful for them! - Katie Lewis, Associate Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Colleyville Today was our Team’s first full day in Bo, and it was extremely busy, and more importantly extremely successful.
The Team sat in for morning prayers with both the Mercy Hospital Team, as well as the Child Rescue Center Team. Bishop Yambasu arrived shortly thereafter and greeted the Team, then began an epic / marathon meeting with Rob and Melody that lasted until almost 7:00 PM. Rev Katie, Rev Scott and Leo toured the entire facility, with particular interest in the new surgical wing. We also had the opportunity to go into downtown Bo and visit the local market. The entire team had the opportunity to dine with Bishop Yambasu, then held our team devotional and headed off to grab some well deserved sleep... - Leo Fox, Helping Children Worldwide Board Member Our team drove from Freetown to Bo today, and we arrived safely in the city! We toured the Missionary Training Center (MTC) and visited with the Government Hospital in Bo, which is the second largest hospital in the country. We were privileged to meet Dr. Taylor, and we learned how the hospital operates and the needs of the Bo community. We even got to see a newborn baby be delivered to her parents, and we saw her big sister walk over to her to give her a kiss! It was a beautiful moment.
We met with the Mercy Hospital senior staff over dinner, and it was so great to meet them and hear their stories! We learned about the work they are doing and vision for the future of Mercy Hospital. We were inspired by the staff's deep passion for serving people and saving lives in Bo! - Katie Lewis, Associate Pastor, First United Methodist Church of Colleyville The December mission team members accompanied the Mercy staff on a village outreach. They helped with the tasks of administering malaria tests, distributing medication, and weighing babies.
November 2023