Greetings Friends, As another day falls quiet here in West Africa, our team is once more up to full strength. Melody and Cynthia returned from Freetown today after sharing fruitful conversations with Bishop Yambasu, The U.S. Ambassador to Sierra Leone, the Ministry of Social Welfare and Gender Equality, and several key collaborators. The rest of the team spent the morning at the Child Rescue Center helping over thirty of God’s treasures write letters to their sponsor families, play games, and simply being one together in love. Jesus said let the little children come to me and forbid them not, for such is the Kingdom of Heaven. One could make a strong argument Christ spoke those words with these children in mind. The CRC staff holds letter writing events three times a month; it is a herculean effort on their part simply to bring the children together. Once assembled, the children work with diligence and passion to write and decorate their letters. It is truly a labor of love, and to a person our team feels blessed beyond measure to be here. If you’d like to experience such a blessing, find out more about upcoming trips by participating in Sunday’s online information session. Until Tomorrow, Love in Christ!
November 2023