The CRC's newest students live in Fengehun Village, just outside of Bo. Because of the distance, the Fengehun students weren't able to attend the Christmas parties held at the CRC compound, so the CRC staff brought Christmas to them.
In the fall of 2017, the CRC expanded beyond Bo to add 20 first graders living in Fengehun Village to the roster. Fengehun Village is one of the villages served by Mercy Hospital's Outreach program. CRC staff travels with Mercy staff to do home and school visits for the children, while Mercy conducts prenatal and child nutrition clinics. It takes about 45 minutes to reach Fengehun by car. Because of the distance, the 20 new students couldn't attend the Sponsor A Child Christmas parties held at the CRC, so the CRC staff brought a belated Christmas to them in January. Each child received a Luci solar light and treats to share with their families.
We are proud to announce that Child Rescue Centre alumnus Aruna Stevens received his medical degree from the College of Medical and Allied Health Studies (COMAHS) on January 20th. His convocation in Freetown was attended by many fellow CRC alumni. Aruna is the second CRC student to graduate medical school, preceded by Yusef Tejan, who graduated from COMAHS last year.
Aruna dedicated his dissertation defense to his late parents and to his American sponsor, Brian McCaffrey, "without whose compassionate support it would not have been possible." He will begin his two-year housemanship (residency) in the spring, which will include six months rotation each in medicine, surgery, pediatrics and obstetrics/gynecology. CARES Radio held an end of year street broadcast at the Shellmingo round about in Bo City. This program attracted stakeholders from the Bo environment such as: the Regional Human Right Activities chair, the ruling APC South Party chair, a student representative from Njala University, the media, CRC staff, and the public.
The program dealt with the topic "Put your country first in the coming National Elections in Sierra Leone." Prizes were distributed to participants who answered questions as the program was aired live on the radio. |
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January 2025
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