This week, a young girl named Musu embarked on a life-changing journey. Musu’s family is a member of the Child Reintegration Center (CRC) program, and she suffers from a critical heart condition. But thanks to a remarkable collaboration between Helping Children Worldwide (HCW), Mercy Hospital, the Together for Global Health network, and Sick Pikin, Musu is finally getting the specialized surgery she needs. Musu's story is a testament to the power of partnership in global health. When Mercy Hospital, recently equipped with a new EKG machine thanks to our collaboration with the Medical University of South Carolina, diagnosed Musu's condition, they knew immediate action was needed. Unfortunately, the necessary surgery wasn't available in Sierra Leone. Here's where the Together for Global Health network stepped in., We were able to reach out to members of the network to see if there were any organizations that we were aware of that helped coordinate medical treatment abroad. We were connected with the Sick Pikin Project, A locally based NGO in Sierra Leone that helps Sierra Leonean children get access to life-saving surgeries abroad. We have worked closely with their executive director through other initiatives in Sierra Leone and knew they would be a perfect partner for this venture. This incredible coalition sprang into action. HCW secured Musu's flights and travel insurance, while the CRC program facilitated passport acquisition for Musu and her mother. Mercy Hospital ensured Musu received the necessary medical clearance for air travel. Finally, Sick Pikin took the lead in obtaining visas for India and arranging the crucial surgery itself. Musu's journey is a beacon of hope. It demonstrates what can be achieved when dedicated organizations join forces. Together, they are not only saving a child's life, but also offering her a brighter future. We at HCW, along with our incredible partners, wish Musu all the very best for a successful surgery and a healthy life ahead. Her story serves as a powerful reminder that even the most complex challenges can be overcome through collaboration and a shared commitment to improving the lives of others.
Please keep Musu and her Mother in your prayers as they travel and as she undergoes surgery. We will keep you all up to date on her progress!
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November 2024
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